Three Interdisciplinary Dimensions

leveraging technical and educational competences for supporting core digital skills

Co-design & Use

The partners tackling this dimension aim at supporting, at the instructional level, educators in implementing blended and active learning scenarios such as collaborative, deep, and inquiry learning, x-thinking activities, such as critical thinking, design thinking, or computational thinking activities, as well as digital literacy development activities, such as data and AI literacy. The main focus will be on instructional design for the integration in these scenarios and activities of open interactive resources or services significantly transforming the actual teaching and learning experience of all stakeholders for social science and STEAM education. The associated tasks are:

  • Sharing of Experience on the Use of Open Educational Practices lead by SFUVET.
  • Strengthening career assistance programs lead by SFISM.
  • Deepening assessment lead by UniDistance (see details).

Change & Share

The partners tackling this dimension aim at developing, at the socio-institutional level, a digital and open education culture, and good digital practices. To strengthen and broaden the adoption of these practices at the national and international level, partners will consolidate and animate a community of practice facilitating cooperation between all stakeholders, including policy makers, institutional management bodies, IT and didactic support teams, as well as educators. Automated and AI-supported means of re-using third party OERs as well as creating OERs and course modules will be developed and discussed as opportunities to foster the culture of sharing and the digital skills development. Support for designing and conducting evidence-oriented validation will be provided within this community. The associated tasks are:

  • Promoting Openness Culture in teacher education. From a co-designed process to promote OERs, to an ecological implementation of openness lead by HEP-FR.
  • Fostering AI & recognition in open education and course creation (fAIr) lead by ZHAW.
  • Sustaining the open education days lead by ETHZ.

Leverage & Co-create

The partners tackling this dimension aim at supporting, at the techno-pedagogical level, educators to leverage advanced technologies for augmenting their teaching practices and enriching the learning resources and services they can offer to their students, turning them respectively into augmented educators and enriched resources. Acknowledging how resource intensive it is to develop pedagogically-sound and rich educational resources and services, the partners will provide the methodologies and the services for co-create teaching, learning, and coaching material. The associated tasks are:

  • Supporting rich OER design, implementation, and interoperability lead by EPFL.
  • Enabling teachers to implement Gen AI for students lead by PHB.